Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Chinook Elementary School practices Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. PBIS is an approach for supporting students’ academic success by making schools safer and more supportive for all students. The Chinook staff consistently reinforces and recognizes students who are being safe, respectful and responsible at school. Students are acknowledged for making good choices. At Chinook, we believe that positive behavioral expectations should taught, encouraged and rewarded as an integral component of our school’s curriculum and culture.
Response to Intervention (RtI)
Chinook Elementary School practices Response to Intervention. RtI schools focus on good teaching that is matched to student need. Student progress is closely monitored and teams of teachers use data to help make decisions. Grade-level teams meet regularly to discuss student performance trends and instructional needs. These teams may include specialists in reading or behavior, like literacy specialists and counselors.
RtI schools coordinate their early intervention services to support teacher instruction and student learning. For most students, there are small changes in instruction. For students who need additional services such as small-group or individual instruction, more support may be provided.
Parent participation is encouraged in RtI schools. Most success occurs when parents and teachers work together. There will be times when extra support at home can help a child learn a specific skill. When a child needs more at-home support than usual, we contact his or her parent(s) and/or guardian(s) to discuss ways for them to be involved. When a student needs extra help in school, we notify his or her parent(s) and/or guardian(s) to describe the type of support that the child is receiving.
Kindergarten Jump Start
Kindergarten Jump Start is a free program for incoming kindergarteners that takes place a few weeks before the school year begins. Students participate in a variety of math, literacy and hands-on activities; learn school routines; and become familiar with their new surroundings.
Data shows that students who attend Jump Start are better prepared for kindergarten than children who do not participate. They also gain confidence, leadership skills and enthusiasm for school. Don’t miss this opportunity to give your child a successful transition to kindergarten!
To register your child, please contact the Chinook office.